Precilla Charitable Trust

Precilla Charitable Trust

We with a strong belief and good companionship, dedicated to help old aged people and spread awareness of senior citizens care that would give them a new life after crossing all hurdles in their journey. These kind of services in the present world scenarios helps to reduce the issue of elder abuse in the society and boosts them confidence to live better life without depending on their grown up children for money and other needs.
To a great extent we believe in the conception of “The entire world is a family”. This inspires us to serve every abandoned old aged one as our own family member with all love and care. Today, in this materialistic world leading a quality life is a big dream to everyone, especially for old people. Isn’t it?
So we rely on providing necessary facilities and positive intuition with humanism. This not only gives them a new active life but also diminishes the issue of senior citizen abuse in the society.

